Saturday 23 June 2012


Log in. Priority 1 - must drink!

Found a hatchet in the building site. At least I had some protection now. I headed back into Cherno. I was so thirsty my death was imminent. I was desperate, this pub was my only hope...
Last chance saloon

Nothing downstairs... but then, upstairs, a pistol. Excellent. But I'd swap that for a drink right now... but then, on the floor - a can of Coke! Thank god! I gulped it down and looked around for something to eat. Score! A can of beans! From the verge of death, to a healthy, armed survivor! Now what? I wanted to hook up with team Rllmuk, who were online. One kind chap volunteered to collect me in the boat they'd found. I switched servers to theirs, in the pitch black of night, and headed for the coast, meeting my saviour on the outskirts of Elecktro.
We headed up the coast to team up with a Mukker who was trapped in a hospital, surrounded by the undead. The motor boat ripped along through the starlight and I admired the scenery.
Past the lighthouse

Rock Dodging
We eventually arrived at Borezhino and moored up. We ran through the darkness, continually losing each other in the pitch black, through fields and orchards, and finally creeping through the streets meters away from zombies to meet our friend in a supermarket.

Shops really shouldn't sell crossbows

The place was a treasure trove, full of equipment and ammo. I stocked up, grabbed a crossbow, binoculars, a map and hunting knife. We moved off towards the boat, following the eery red light of a carried maglight.
Just follow the glowing red man and everything will be fine...
When we lost each other, a quick flashlight wave would do the trick!

In the darkness we skirted too close to some of our undead chums so we pegged it to a nearby barn and gunned down about fifteen of them. We got off pretty lightly and even found more ammo inside.

We got to the boat without incident and sailed off to the latest Rllmuk camp, which has a few vehicles now. We bid each other good night after a pretty successful run.

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