Friday 22 June 2012


Time to start again. A few botched survival attempts left me frustrated. In one, I painstakingly scoured a little town, finding nothing, accidently pressed the wrong key whilst leaving and as a result sprinted over the tarmac alerting a hungry zombie. Having no weapons, I sprinted for five minutes across the countryside with my zombie pal in toe, nipping at my heels. I reached another town and began weaving around buildings, through alleyways, over fences in an attempt to lose him, attracting perhaps a dozen zombie pals who took great glee in running around in our undead Benny Hill sketch. Incredibly I lost them by running around and around a big church, this seemed to confuse them after a while. I like to think as I ran off that they'll continue to circle that church for hours. Brilliantly minutes later I wasn't paying cautious enough and wandered round a corner right into another zombie who finished me off. At least I proved you can lose the horde if you try hard enough.

After another failed effort I spawned by Cherno, the biggest town in the game. The outskirts were deserted, the first noteworthy discovery being a dead survivor, filling me with confidence. He didn't have the grace to have died with anything useful aside from starting gear.

Last words were probably: "OMG Rocket why don't we spawn with a gun any more?!111!"
 Up ahead I spotted a survivor crawling through the grass. He didn't look armed so I sprinted past him into the barn he was heading for; if a weapon was inside I wanted it first. Sadly there was nothing of use inside. The survivor stormed in after me and raised a weapon, crap, I thought he was unarmed.

Freeze motherfucker!
Why wasn't I dead yet? On closer inspection, the gun was actually a torch. He didn't even have it on. I lay on the ground and spun around in circles in the international greeting known as Spinspinjoyjoy. He ran off.

I moved into Cherno, opening a nearby shed door, and to my horror a zombie was chilling out inside. The chase was on again. I ran around the suburbs collecting an ever-lengthening group of zombie fans who all wanted my autograph. Eventually I managed to lose them in the back alleys.

I started slowly and methodically moving through the city, crouching, crawling and silently avoiding zombies. A supermarket, two pubs, four houses, the town hall and the fire station all yielded nothing but tin cans, empty bottles, useless flares and a few crossbow bolts. There was no sign of human life. I really needed a gun. A warehouse in the industrial area was open and I moved inside. A survivor was in there, sweeping around and he had a pistol. It was too late, he'd seen me. I ran outside and he followed. With his gun trained on me, he moved off and I ran around a corner. I'd been lucky. Seeing I had no weapon, he probably didn't want to waste his ammo and risk alerting the zombies.

"You wouldn't shoot an unarmed lady, would you?" (guy is just above my head)

I continued my sweep of the industrial area, finding nothing and having some very close run-ins with the zeds. On the outskirts of town I looked back and noticed some tents. Could it be a military camp? This was worth going back for.

Tents, just under those big windows.
 I sneaked into the tents. It seemed to be a field hospital. Lying around were blood bags, painkillers, morphine and bandages, a treasure trove for the wounded. But no weapons. I grabbed what I could carry.

Where's my arms? :*(
When leaving I got a shock, entering a shed and once again finding a zombie hanging out inside. I managed to lose him amongst the tents, he spun around searching for me as I crawled off into the grass.

"I just want to be friends... braaaaaainssss"
 Incredibly I'd found no weapons this whole time, either a bug in the loot system or just really unlucky. My last hope was the building site on the edge of town. I sneaked in past the wandering zombs.

There were zombies inside, too. I sneaked around very slowly, trying not to make any noise. I was getting very thirsty and hungry, if I didn't find drink soon, I was in trouble.

Sneaking past zombies, I found nothing but car windscreens (sadly inedible) and tin cans. This was dire. I decided to call it a night and logged out on the roof. The next session will be pure survival, I need drink, and fast, and I'm stuck on the top floor of a zombie-infested building site, surrounded by the wandering undead. That's Day-Z!

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